Monday, March 30, 2009

"You Go Girl"

You go girl has been an uplifting powerful statement for quite some time. It gives a girl power to do what needs to be done. Or gives her support when she has done what was needed. But now, YOU GO GIRL has a whole new meaning. Go ahead, click it. You want to know just what I am talking about. How many of you are gonna run right out and get one, or three? They do sell them in 3 packs with a $3 savings if you buy 'in bulk'. YOU GO GIRL!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Etch A Sketch

Who didn't love the etch a sketch, I played with mine so much that it couldn't erase all the way. A true classic. But of course, you can now play online! Online Etch a Sketch, interactive Etch-a-Sketch -


Did you play as a kid? I did we had a big box and we would set them all up and then knock them down. Why? I have no idea. I guess cause we were kids with nothing better to do. It would always hack me off when someone would mess them up though and I would have to start over. NO FUN! Well, I'm not sure if this isn't as fun as the real thing or if I have outgrown them. Either way, you can try your hand at virtual dominoes (Or drawminos) if you have a domino itch :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Do you ever wonder what someone could look like if you had the power to change a feature? Well, I don't but this site made me wonder, and let me do it. What fun! monoface Let your little ones join in, mine love it!